Monday, November 7, 2016

Creepy Surprise

Portia POV
It’s Friday, usually Ellen has Fridays off but today she was called in for an important meeting regarding the show, I still haven’t heard a word from her and it’s nearly noon. I was hoping we would spend all day together, just lounging around doing nothing. Her company is all I need for it to be a great day. I miss her too much when we’re apart.
A car pulling up takes me out of my train of thought. I place the book I tried to focus on, with no success, and walk to the window that looks out to our driveway. I take a peek behind the curtain and see a blonde emerging from her favorite car.
Sunglasses cover her beautiful blue eyes, she swings her signature suit jacket over her shoulder and her right hand in her pocket. My eyes are glued on her as she strides towards the front door.
“Baby I’m home!” Ellen shouts as soon as she unlocks the door before she even walks inside. A smile appears on my face at the sound of her voice.
Instead of going to her I hide on the other side of the wall that separates the foyer from the rest of the house. I hear the keys being placed on the table and her shuffling out of her shoes. I position myself ready to jump in front of her and scare the jeebies out of her.
“Don’t even think about it.” I hear her say in a serious but playful tone. I pout and come out of my hiding spot. She reaches for my hands pulling me into her arms erasing my pout with a sweet kiss.
“How did you know?” Her lips linger on mine a little longer, I feel her smile and I peck them before pulling away.
“A hunch.” She shrugs.
“Uhum. A hunch.” I slide my hands up her arms until I reach her neck. I pull her body flush against mine, feeling the warmth touch my own. Her hands go to my hips, her thumbs draw small circles as mine play with the hair at the back of her neck.
“I love you.”
“I love you more.” I breathe against her cheek, my lips softly brushing her smooth skin. I kiss her cheek making my way to her ear, teasing her is my favorite thing to do, and take her earlobe between my teeth.
“I like where this is...going.” She moans as I start unbuttoning the first three buttons of her shirt. I take a peek at what is waiting for me under that shirt. “Like what you see?” Her voice is low, almost like a whisper.
“Love.” I simply say before I kiss her chest, I kiss the exposed skin as I keep unbuttoning the shirt. I bury my face between her breasts, kissing them both twice before lowering myself to kiss her stomach. I see how the muscles quiver under my touch, her breathing becomes ragged.
I pull the shirt down her shoulders trapping her arms to her sides. I continue to kiss her toned body making sure I kiss every inch of her. I cup her face between both hands and look straight into her blue eyes, I lean in and peck her lips, give her a wink and walk away.
I sway my hips as I walk away, I can feel her eyes burning on me. Before I cross the threshold that leads to the living room I turn and look at her dumbfounded face.
“That would be my way of saying sorry if I had scared you baby.” I blow her a kiss. “Too bad you had a hunch.” I wink again and shake my head at her disappointed face.
I chuckle when I hear Ellen groan stomping her way to the kitchen like a kid that got told no at her favorite snack. Wolf comes running and jumps on me as if he hadn't seen me for days. I pet his little fluffy white head then walk over to where I was sitting before Ellen came home and pick up my book to put it back where it belongs.
Wolf follows me and sits when I stop in front of a bookshelf. He wags his tail as he waits for me to pay him attention, I become distracted for a moment and he starts barking.
I kneel down to pet him, unexpectedly he jumps on me and I fall back on my ass. He starts to lick my face which makes me laugh so I decide to lay down and play for a little bit with him.
A cool breeze coming from the opened door that leads to the backyard sends chills up and down my body. I pet Wolf a couple of times before getting up and rub my arms as I walk towards the door to close it. I stop on my tracks about two feet away from the door and freeze.
Ellen POV
I was a little frustrated by Portia's teasing about ten minutes ago and I needed a cold glass of water after the way she left me. I was in the process of changing into more comfortable clothes when I hear someone shout.
“Baby! Baby!” I hear Portia shout at the top of her lungs again. I throw my pants across the room and rush out to see what's wrong.
“Portia? Honey, where are you?!” I yell back as I make my way to the kitchen thinking she had a minor accident while cooking.
“Living room!” As I cross the threshold I spot her staring at the floor by the door. I shiver at how chilly it’s going to be tonight. I feel goosebumps all over my body since I'm practically half naked. “A snake.” She whimpers.
Carefully I walk towards Portia, she turns to look at me with clear panic in her eyes. Wolf is sitting right next to her staring at the same spot Portia is. I follow her gaze back to the floor once I have her in my arms.
“Oh shit.” I say under my breath. “How did that get in here?” I mostly ask myself.
“The doorbell rang and I opened to him.” I roll my eyes at Portia's sarcasm.
“So funny baby, here I was thinking you had a new pet.” I get a slap on my arm. “Don't hit me woman, it was just a joke.” I kiss her shoulder and slowly start pulling her back with me. Once I'm sure she's at a safe distance from the snake I decide to take a closer look at it.
“Ellen! What are you doing, it's going to bite you! What if it's poisonous?!” Portia starts freaking out behind me.
“Shh baby, I'm making sure if it is or not.”
“Don't shh me and come back here!” I lean down just close enough to look at its head. Over the years of living in California I've learned a thing or two about wild animals, in this case it's all about the head. You can tell by the shape of it if it's poisonous or not.
“Oh boy, it's a poisonous one.” I say nonchalantly, I don't want to scare her more than what she already is. “It's a baby… though.”
“Right, like it being a baby makes it less poisonous. Just come back here, please?” Portia pleads with tears in her eyes.
“I can't leave it there baby. What if it bites one of the dogs or worse, one of us.” I grab a book from the coffee table and lean against the wall.
“Ellen, you have gone crazy. Let's call someone to come and get it out instead.” I shake my head and start lowering the book slowly. The snake hisses and I jump dropping the book instantly. “Baby!” Portia shrieks.
I grab another book and wait for it to coil back before I attempt at pushing it out the door. My hands are shaking as well as my bare legs, either I'm very nervous or I'm freezing to death. Whichever one it is a sigh of relief escapes from me as I shut the door and slide down to the floor.
“We need to fix that screen door.” I breathe out letting my head fall against the wall.
“You're so crazy but brave. I love you baby, come on let's get some pants on you.” Portia kneels between my legs and the cold is suddenly forgotten.
“I don't think I need pants.” Her soft warm hands start massaging my cold legs, the warmth of them reaching somewhere else instead.
“Oh really, what is it that you need then?” She all but whispers.
“Surprise me.” I wink.
“I wonder…” Portia sits up and straddles me. Her hands go around my neck as her legs go around my waist like a koala holding onto a tree. “What it is that you need…” Her hips begin to grind against me. My hands go to her legs and I glide them up and down gently caressing them.
“You drive me crazy.” I moan as her lips attack my neck, softly nibbling and kissing it. “Baby-”
“Shh…” She cuts me off with a finger over my lips. “I want to thank you for being so brave and saving me from that monstrous baby snake.”Her finger traces my lip and down my neck stopping above the collar of my t-shirt.
Her other hand tugs at my hair exposing my neck to her mouth. Portia leans in, her warm breath hitting the base of my neck send shivers down my back, and her soft tongue licks up my jawline to my ear.
“You're mine.” She breathes out in my ear, my hands go further up her thighs close to where I really want to touch but she grabs my hands and holds them above my head. “Not today, today I'm in charge.” She knows I love it when she's in charge.
“I need to touch you-” I'm cut off with a soft bite to my lip and a shake of her head. “Please.” She bites a little harder to show her disapproval.
“I want you.” Her lips capture mine in a searing but gentle kiss. Her soft tongue enters to play with mine and I almost lost it. I moan as her hand sneaks into my shirt caressing my stomach. It inches closer and closer to my bra taking it off in a swift motion.
Next on the list is the shirt. She pulls it up to my breasts and stares at me, she fondles my left breast squeezing it gently, I moan as the tip of her thumb flicks my nipple.
She pulls my shirt over my head and throws it somewhere across the living room along with my bra leaving me only in my underwear. She bites her lip before leaning forward to kiss my shoulders and chest. Her hands squeeze my breasts as she kisses between them.
Portia gets off of me and pulls me along with her away from the wall laying me down on the floor and lays next to me propped up on her arm. She rolls my nipples between her fingers taking one into her mouth, I hiss as her teeth close around it biting on it softly.
Her hand sneaks into my underwear, she cups my sex as she continues her sweet torture on my breasts. A single finger slides between my folds teasing me, it goes down to my entrance and back up to my clit. She draws small circles around my clit not quite touching it.
“Baby-” Her finger teases my entrance and pushes only the tip of it before pulling completely away from me. “What-” I'm cut off by her hovering over me and sliding down to my stomach. She tugs at my underwear with her teeth then swiftly taking them off throwing them to join the rest of my clothes.
She opens my legs wider, the cool air hitting my heated sex gives me goosebumps. Laying between my legs she places her hands under my thighs and over my hips to keep me in place.
Soft kisses cover my inner thighs, soft lips linger above my clit, I raise my hips in an attempt to alleviate the pressure building inside me. Green blue eyes clouded with lust stare at me as if waiting for my consent. Then it hits me, she wants me to beg.
“Portia…” I pant.
“Yes darling?” I look down at her to find a mischievous smile on her face.
“I want- I need you baby.”
“Tell me what do you need.” She kisses me and blows on my clit, I groan at her stubbornness.
“Please what?” Another blow on my clit and I give in.
“Please- fuck me.” My head falls back on the floor as her soft warm tongue circles my clit. I gasp for air as she takes it in her mouth and sucks on it. My moans get louder as she works her magic on me.
Her tongue licks my clit one last time before it finds its way to my opening. She teases me again, her thumb replaces her tongue as she pushes it inside as deep as she can. Her hands keep in place as my hips move to match her every move.
She applies more pressure on my clit as her tongue moves faster in and out of me. I hold her hand tightly and my legs close around her head as my orgasm builds, threatening to explode in any given moment.
I hold my breath and moan Portia's name as pleasure overcomes me, sending fireworks off in my head. Portia cleans me up before kissing her way up my body and resting her head on my chest.
“I love listening to your heart after I make love to you.” She whispers, I run my fingers through her long hair wrapping my arms around her.
“It beats only for you.” I kiss her nose when she looks up at me.
“I love you you beautiful blue-eyed girl.”

“I love you you gorgeous Australian girl.” I smile and I kiss her soft lips. “But next time we should try the sofa.” I say and she laughs nodding in agreement. A comfortable silence follows and I allow myself to enjoy this moment, a feeling I could never get tired of having the love of my life in my arms.

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