Saturday, January 14, 2017

Cooking Disaster

Ellen POV
Work was hectic, more so than usual, too many meetings that I was not needed for yet I still stayed. I have a mild headache that can possibly go away with some advil. I stop at the final red light, I can see my house in the distance, I’m impatient to see my wife after this long day.
I tap my fingers on the steering wheel irritated by how long the light takes to change. I glare at the red light, as if me giving it the ‘look’ will make it change any faster. After what seemed like hours the light finally turns green. The tires screech the pavement at the sudden action as I step on the accelerator.
As I pull up in the driveway I notice that all the lights are off which is odd. Portia should be home by now, if she was going to late at the Scandal set she would let me know just like other times.
In second thought, she would definitely be trying to scare me for that day that I hid behind the bathroom door in the morning. She was half asleep and I just couldn’t help it, my devious side wanted to scare her so I did even though I didn’t get a morning kiss that day.
Apprehensively I unlock the door, it’s completely dark aside from light coming in through the windows. I close the door behind me and wait for her to jump out of nowhere but she doesn’t. I place my keys on the table nearby and turn the lights on as I make my way through the house.
Empty. No one is here. The person I was longing to see is not here. I’m disappointed and sad, I take my phone out of my pocket and check if I have any message that I had missed but no. I open up the text message app, look for Portia’s name and send her a text asking where she is.
I place the phone on the coffee table and head to the kitchen, I’m starving. I don’t think I’ve been this hungry before, that could be because the only thing I had today was breakfast. Lunch had to be skipped because of those meetings and dinner, well I was hoping Portia and I could get take out but that doesn’t seem like it’s going to happen.
I groan, the fridge is empty and it’s only Wednesday. The only one that cooks here is Portia, aside of when she tries to teach me but gives up when I complain how hard it is to cut up vegetables the way she does. They have to be a certain size and well, I always cut them up too big or too small.
Ironically there’s only vegetables in the fridge, who would’ve thought. I have seen Portia boil vegetables and makes anything out of them. Maybe this is my time to shine, with no pressure I can probably cook. If boiling counts as cooking, that is.
I grab a pot, fill it with water and place the vegetables inside after washing them. I turn on the stove and place the pot on it, if Portia could see this I bet she would be so proud of me.
I pour a little salt, not sure I’m supposed to but I’m clueless. I haven’t found out what she does to them to taste good, I’m always distracted by her lean figure whenever she cooks. Probably the reason why I don’t learn when she tries to teach me, I can’t help but stare at her.
“Oh the lid.” I say to myself and rummage through the other pans and pots. I end up with two lids, one for sure it is but I’m not sure which one is. “I guess we’ll find out.” I say to them and roll my eyes when I hear myself talking to an object.
I decide to try the one on my right hand, I stand in front of the stove and hold the lid over the already boiling water. The hot steam fogs the lid, I lower it a little and before I’m able to place it, it slips from my grasp. Hot water splashes out of the pot on the stove and my hand. It feels as if my skin is being put on fire.
“Baby I’m home! Where are you?!” I hear Portia shout and the door closing.
“Kitchen!” I cry out. My eyes sting with tears from the pain, I can hear Portia’s heels down the hallway coming closer and closer. I hold my hand as I wait to finally see my wife. As soon as she comes into view and sees the mess of water everywhere she runs to me.
“Oh baby, what did you do?” She asks full of worry holding my hand, I wince at her soft touch. “Come here.” I’m pulled to the sink and she places my hand under the cold running water. I yelp and bite my lip to keep me from crying out profanities.
“I think I’ll leave the cooking to you from now on.” I kiss her cheek, her worry over me slowly disappearing and a smile makes its appearance on her beautiful face.
“Yeah I think that’s best but what in the world were you trying to do?” She looks behind us at the still boiling water.
“Cooking.” Portia giggles and it’s like music to my ears. “I’ve seen you put vegetables to boil so I just assumed that it couldn’t be that hard.” I clearly was proven wrong.
“You’re lucky you’re cute.” She winks making me feel weak at my knees. “Keep your hand there I’ll be back, just a sec.” I get a peck and before I can complain she’s gone.
Not a minute later she comes back with some kind of cream and tries to apply it on my hand. I hiss and jerk my hand out of her grasp when the cool cream touches my heated skin. Portia carefully takes my hand and gives me a kiss before trying again.
“Baby, stop moving and let me take care of you.” She pleads and I try not to whimper at how much I hurt. “Let's get your mind off this and tell me about your day.” She smiles, for a moment I forget about the stinging on my hand.
“Long. Very long day.” I simply say, I'd rather think of the agonizing pain than about my day. “Tell me about yours, you took longer than I thought. I'm missed you so much.” I pull a stray strand of hair behind her ear and just stare at her working on my hand.
“It was great actually,” she says excited. “We visited the Grey's Anatomy set and we had lunch and just hug out.” Portia wraps a bandage on my hand and finishes it up with a soft kiss.
“I wish I had been with you.” I pout.
“Me too baby, maybe we should have some of them over for dinner. I met with Ellen Pompeo and we talked for hours, she's so talented and funny and look-” Portia takes out her phone and shows me a selfie she took with Ellen. I feel uneasy at how close they are.
“You don't have with anyone else?” I casually ask.
“No only with her, I was with her most of the time.” That uneasy feeling soon becomes jealousy. I know Ellen, she's great and this feeling is just ridiculous but I can't help it.
“I see.” I say nonchalantly and start walking away. I plop down on the sofa grabbing the tv remote from the coffee table. I turn the tv on and switch through every channel there is. From the corner of my eye I can see Portia leaning against the wall with her arms crossed over her chest.
“Honey…” I leave the channel on a reality show and put the volume slightly higher. “Ellen what- are you mad at me?” She sighs dropping her hands to her sides.
“Oh baby.” Portia starts walking slowly towards me. I force myself to focus on the tv instead of my beautiful wife that's standing in front of me. She sits cross legged next to me and stares at me, I can feel her eyes burning into me. Five minutes later I give in. “Will you talk to me now?” She raises her eyebrows questioningly. I nod.
“I'm not mad.” I say almost whisper I think she didn't hear me.
“I know.” Is all she says before she sits up and starts pushing me back against the cushions. “I love you, you jealous thing.”
“I'm sorry, it- it's ridiculous but-”
“Yes it is.” She cuts me off with a searing kiss. “Let me show you why baby.” I have and will always love the dominant side my wife rarely shows me. She always surprises me and that only makes the love I feel for her grow even stronger.

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