Thursday, May 25, 2017

Hot Day

Portia POV
This is the hottest summer yet, it's unbearable being outside even for a minute. The forecast for this week are record high temperatures. It's hot across the country, especially in the south. There has been various warnings concerning fires that could start from lack of rain. Not a single drop has fallen in months in California.
I sigh hastily closing my book and throwing it across the coffee table. I wipe my forehead with the back of my hand and groan. On the hottest day of the week the a.c. had to stop working, only this could happen to us.
Augie jumps on the sofa next to me panting with his tongue hanging out. He stares at me as if he's trying to tell me something. He jumps off and I follow him out of curiosity.
He walks through the living room, his tail wagging behind him, then the kitchen and stops to look out the glass door. I follow his gaze just as the sprinklers turn on. Augie barks and looks up at me, I giggle shake my head and walk away.
I need something to cool me down, maybe a glass of iced cold water can help. As I pour myself a glass Augie starts winning and scratching at the door. The noise gets Wolf's and Kid’s attention who come running to the kitchen.
The three dogs start barking as they look outside. I walk towards them to see what are they barking at, maybe an animal wandered into our backyard.
When I open the door to get a better look, they take off and run towards the sprinklers. Wolf is chasing Augie and Kid is too distracted by the sprinkler to be bothered by them.
Kid barks and bites on it as water sprays all over him. I can't help laugh at them, they roll around the ground and are covered in mud instantly. Ellen won't be very happy about this.
I shrug and decide to join them, getting a little wet can't hurt, it's hot after all. I chase after Augie and soon Wolf and Kid are running after me.
Ellen POV
The meeting today was longer than I thought. There was problems with guests not being able to make it for their day of shooting so we had to find ones that would make it. I had trouble concentrating for the upcoming show, a couple of cameras had problems which had to be assessed during rehearsal. All I want is to go home.
As I exit the building I'm hit with bright sun and the unbearable humidity. I put on my sunglasses and take off my jacket before getting in my car. I can't wait to see my wife after this long exhausting day.
I drum my fingers on the steering wheel as I wait for the red light to turn green. I had my windows down thinking the wind could help get rid of my headache but boy was I wrong, my car feels like an oven right now.
I pull up in our driveway and sigh. “Home sweet home.” I say to myself. A warm and tingly feeling surrounds me at my own words. I stay in my car a little longer to try and get rid of any signs that can give away what a long day I had. Nothing can ruin the time I have with my beautiful wife.
Laughter is the first sound I hear once I open the front door. The usual pat-pat of Wolf running to me as soon as I get home is missing. I furrow my eyebrows wondering why neither of our pets have come to jump all over me.
As I walk through the house the laughter and playful barking gets louder. I follow the sound to the kitchen and out to the yard. Portia and the dogs are soaking wet covered in mud.
“Oh. My. God.” I mutter to myself. Portia is chasing Augie and he's chasing Wolf and Kid. There's no way I could be upset at this scene playing before me. It's exactly what I've always dreamt of when I was single waiting for that one special girl that I'd marry. To come home from a long day at work and my day to end better because of her. A smile spreads across my face as I stare at them. My dream has come true.
I giggle as Portia falls unceremoniously on the grass, her arms and legs spread out, her eyes closed as the sun hits her lean figure. I clear my throat and cross my arms over my chest as if I'm upset.
“Baby! You're home!” Portia says at the top of her lungs. She's lying on the ground with Augie by her side as water sprinkles over them. She blows me a kiss and sits up. Wolf and Kid are chasing each other, that is until they see me and they start sprinting towards me.
"Oh shit.” I mutter.
“Baby, run!” Portia screams and bursts out in laughter. My eyes widened and without thinking I take off running as fast as I could. I could faintly hear Portia still laughing at me.
I take a glimpse look back at my two dogs chasing me. Kid is right on my heels with his tongue sticking out, Wolf is barking as he tries to catch up.
“Give up!” She exclaims and laughs.
“Never!” I yell back and pick up my pace. My stamina is quickly running out, my legs have become numb and could fail me in any moment. I run in Portia’s direction forgetting about the sprinklers being on, about the muddy wet grass. I forgot how slippery the grass gets when it’s wet and I slip landing on my ass.
“Baby-” Portia starts. “Are you ok?” Before I say anything both dogs jump on me and start licking all over my face. “You’re an idiot.” She states as matter of factly and joins the dogs. I’m pushed back on the ground as Portia straddles me.
“If you can’t beat them, join them.” I grab her by the waist and turn us over so I’m on top. “I’m an idiot huh?” I say and start tickling her.
“Stop!” She tries to get out of my grasp. “Baby!” Tears start streaming down her face from laughter. Augie is barking at me thinking I’m hurting his beloved owner, Wolf and Kid join in the fun jumping on both of us.
Soon enough they get bored of us and I stop my attack on Portia letting her catch her breath. I stare at her, her eyes closed with a huge goofy grin plastered on her face. I’m so in love. I think to myself. I lean forward placing a kiss on her nose. Her blue-green eyes open with a twinkle on them.
“I married an idiot.” Portia whispers. “A beautiful idiot. You’re my idiot.” She grabs my wet shirt and pulls me down closing the gap between our lips. The kiss is soft and slow, within seconds it heats up. Hands slide under our clothes, our breathing becomes ragged, we are both wet. No pun intended.
“Ellen- fuck.” She hisses as I nibble on her neck. “The dogs! They went inside.” I sit up to look for them and sure enough I see Wolf’s tale disappear behind the door full of mud. I turn to look at Portia with this disapproving look. “What?” She says acting innocent.
“You’re cleaning that up.”
“No. I didn’t forget the door open…” She got me there, she’s right and I am not going to let her know that otherwise I’ll never hear the end of it.
“But- Babe- you, you had the marvelous idea of this-”I point around our wet backyard.
“Baby…” She gives me that pout and those eyes I can’t deny anything to. “Listen-” She begins to play with the hem of my shirt, I sigh. I know where this is going but I let her continue. “I love youuuu.” I laugh out loud and she pouts.
“That means I’m cleaning, doesn’t it?” Portia nods, a smile spreading across her face. “What do I get if I do it?” I challenge.
“An unforgettable night.” I like the sound of that, I wink and swiftly get up and run after the dogs. Before I go inside I turn around to look at my wife. She’s still laying on the wet grass, goofy smile on her face, eyes closed and the sun shining down on her.
“I love my life.” I say to myself and walk inside bracing myself for the mess I’m about to find.

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